Daft Punk

Remember, things you thought you didn't like may deserve a re-evaluation every now and then. Daft Punk's Homework is a record which has mostly been collecting dust on a shelf during the years I've owned it. I thought there were about two songs on it in all which were anything at all quality-wise. Then, a few days ago, I listened to the first few songs again and realized they're a lot better than I remembered. The combination of quite long songs, lack of vocals and an extremely artificial all-over sound was what put me off from the beginning, but it isn't all that bad if you give it a chance. Also, I still don't think it's a record you listen straight through time and time again, it works better in smaller doses. That means I haven't re-heard the whole CD yet, but so far I've at least realized that Fresh really is a good tune with a wonderful soothing waves-on-beach-sample. I have to admit I still can't see the point of Rolling and Scratching though, the beat and sound still gets to me before I get through it ...

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