Another great game to add to the "completed" pile, even to the "completed within a week" pile in fact. And no, I don't consider buying games just to finish them in one week a waste of money (but perhaps I'm someone who could save a buck on rentable games :-), it's the experience and fun while doing so that matters. And this one was fun indeed! Think Shiny's style of design is right up my alley. Those enviroments are so great, surreal, creative. And the pacing, and the humour. Got to get out of this circle of praise and write something constructive ... Read in Shiny's designer diary for MDK that they'd been hoping for an MDK movie. Too bad it seems that it didn't happen (that was written four years ago after all) it could have been pretty damn cool. That original vision of Kurt paragliding down into an alien city lends itself pretty well to the big screen too, but those enviroments could go a bit heavy on the budget ...

Shiny's got a way of making boss monsters damn cool too, so you don't feel you're just involved in an exercise of patience chipping away at a giant energy meter. You really feel you come up with ideas yourself and put them to use, and there weren't any stupid double-twists after finally gibbing (and I mean gibbing!) the last boss.

I'm actually feeling interested in replaying to see if/how I can be more effective and perhaps find more secrets. Feels like there could be quite a bit of such things lying around.

MDK roggar biff (don't bother trying to understand that, but rest assured it is very positive :-)! I want MDK 2, have I said that?

Addition on November 27, 2000.
Played through it all again yesterday, this time with maximum fullscreen antialiasing enabled. Perhaps not the religious experience the 3dfx hype want you to believe, but it does make a whole lot of difference, especially when you switch back. If it didn't kill framerates in most games I would definitely consider using it all the time, maybe I should turn resolutions down a bit and give it a try? Anyway, how many other games nowadays have that combination of length and quality that makes you play them straight through in one sitting? Not Soldier of Fortune, that's for sure ... Cool, cool, cool! But why didn't I get to see that music video again?

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