
It's the small things that count, they say. Patches are just that, little files to fix bugs in huge software, that's the basic idea. However, it seems to me that these things always seem to avoid any actual problem I have with a product. A patch for Tiberian Sun was finally released. Did it fix the mission time lapse and scoring bug? No. Did it in fact fix any of the problems I'd encountered? Nope. Don't they listen to the bug reports people send in? Even worse is when you patch something, and get more trouble instead of less. The latest Unreal patch I got did fix the botmatch AI level problem. However, it also made UnrealEd crash as soon as it was launched.

By the way, why do patches grow so damn large? The Unreal patches are all around seven mags each, why? Not to mention that Populous patch I downloaded (the one which didn't fix anything or have any effect at all for me), it was 9,21 megs. Surely, there must be some way to shrink that number a bit? There isn't, after all, not all that much new with each of those. How many people can, in the long run, accept to spend ages downloading humongous patches without any effects at all? The least you can demand would be clear size information and descriptions of what the patch does before you donwload it. Even that you can't always have, the Populous patch was a good example of that.

More patches to the people! And smaller! And better!

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