
"Yeah, why not?" I thought some time back in 6th grade, when we were supposed to choose a third language to study. From that point however, my motivation for the German language seems to have been constantly sinking, especially since the gymnasium started. There just is something about German that makes my eyelids very heavy and my brain very concentrated on coming up with more entertaining things to do. One good question is why I chose to continue studying German in the gymnasium, instead of switching to some other language. I like to think that it has to do with not upsetting the balance of the universe. If I didn't have German to get annoyed at, there wouldn't be enough for me to be annoyed about. Consequently, the balance of the universe would have been upset, and something else, and possibly worse would be put in my way. Better the devil you know than the one you don't ... Wasn't that the British contribution to the Eurovision Song Contest a few years ago? Everything has its good things ...

Even German, no matter how much I try to deny it ;-). There are, after all, some advantages in knowing the language of a neighbouring country inhabited by some fifty million people. I wouldn't be surprised if I get around learning German properly once I don't have to have it as a subject in school any more ...

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