Sahara Hotnights

This is winter music to me. Cold, dark nordic midwinter of the kind we haven't had in a long time ... Too long between writing and purchase, initial impressions are foggy, but C'mon Let's Pretend did stick quickly. It goes in easily, one good song after another, no really hard-to-get-into songs. Easy to swallow rock music, makes you want to raise the volume. That's the problem too I guess, there is a definitive risk of over listening with this one, you need to let it rest between runs. Which is pretty easy once you've worn it down a bit of course. It's harder to pick it up again, but definitely worth it. Lots of energy, frustration, anger, darkness, and still kind of uplifting. Simply energizing I guess ... Not a record you come back to religiously time after time though.

And the group name, it's still great. Kind of a letdown to learn it's taken from some Australian (?) horse, horses get so many stupid names ...

Lyrics, what's so wrong with printing them in the booklet? Not much fun with this booklet at all by the way ...

It sounds good, it sticks fast, it's Swedish, it's got a good name and no bad songs but it won't change my life.

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