How ADSL Changed My Life

Well, for starters the connection time has of course blasted through all previous barriers. Not having to worry about fees was worryingly easy to get used to. That's probably the biggest change of all, that's the thing the whole "information revolution" or whatever you want to call it must be built around: not having to worry about connecting, disconnecting and what you do with the time inbetween. When the time is limited, by cost in our case, you feel you have to use it well, and once you've disconnected you feel you shouldn't reconnect since you have to pay even more then. But when you can have it there more or less all the time, whole new options open up. Lazy browsing of different kind of news pages, looking through all the pages linked to in the texts. And downloading really huge things like Halo movies since it really doesn't matter how long it takes anyway ... Huge downloads are helped by the increased bandwidth as well of course, as are streaming sound and video, but in general I think removal of minute fees are a lot more important than bandwith increase, at least after the bandwith reaches a certain level.

There's a big negative thing to all this of course: significant risk of productivity decrease in any other area where you're supposed to work in front of the computer. Or maybe it's just a major shuffling of time previously spent on playing games to surfing ...

Oh, and my bookmark collection is rapidly expanding as well, that's another effect.

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