The Usual Suspects

Written on the Palm and edited ...

There are movies that make you happy. There are movies that make you sad. There are movies that just keep you entertained ninety minutes and then leave your mind in half that time. And then there are movies that are just so damn well thought out that you start wondering just where the person who wrote the story started. The Usual Suspects belong in the last category, it's the kind of story I'd love to be able to come up with. As I write this I've just seen it for the third time, and the end is still just as great as before. The element of surprise is gone of course, now I can get all the details in instead. The first time you've got enough work just taking the plot in.

Mustn't describe plot, mustn't describe plot ... Don't worry, just trying to scare you :-) ... Wouldn't even think of (or well, obviously I did ... :-) ruining the fun for you.

Seems Kevin Spacey got an Oscar for his part, well deserved too. Not that I've seen him do anything bad otherwise, but that's just proof of very high general quality in his case I'd say ... What I can't understand as easy is why he isn't considered to be playing the lead role ...

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