The Concise Guide to the Web

Misc. useful sites


Tough competition for Gamespot for the spot as favourite games-related site. Seems to update more nowadays than Gamespot, have more interesting articles, and I like the design better. Love those quick facts too ...


Sweden's largest underground information site. Remember to sign up for Flashback News Agency, the newsletter which allows everyone to make their voice heard.


"The art and science of making games" they subtitle it. Lots of articles about game creation, including "postmortems" about what went right and not in the ceration of games.


Nice games site, used by me as a complement for Gamespot. Not any more though, it's now dead and buried. Link still works though, so I'll keep it as a memory :-) ...


My favourite games-related site. Publishes the GSAT, a test on your gaming knowledge, every year.


The Swedish University Network has the, probably, largest and fastest FTP server for us here in Sweden. Most files you could possibly be looking for can probably be found here, along with eight million files you've never looked for.

Tom's hardware

All the information you'll ever need on the latest computer hardware. At times quite technical.

Website garage

Checks all aspects of your homepage/site, and tells you what it thinks of it.

Windows 98 Annoyances

A site dedicated to Windows 98 and all the little tweaks you can do to make it work the way you want. There is also a corresponding site for Windows 95, much of the content is the same on both though.

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