Starcraft: Brood War

Thoughts after finishing ...

Slowly, the dust settles. It's all over! You did it R2! By means of cunning strategies and brutal force, you've massacred all opposition and blown your way to that final cinematic sequence. Makes you feel good, doesn't it?

And then I sit back and start thinking, because I tend to do things like that sometimes. That secret bonus mission, what the hell was that good for? Oh yes, it indicates that there is something going on that will be able to defeat Kerrigan, but I still didn't like it. It's a loose thread, taking away a bit of the feeling of having won. And Raynor, where did he go? He just gave up and left? Come on! I had hoped he would be in charge of, or at least in, the third fleet but no, he just left. Blizzard planning to sneak out another expansion or what? I sure hope not, everyone's been beaten to a pulp twice by now, it feels like that's enough ... They should have put a side other than Zerg last so that you could have a real victory in the end. Both the Protoss and UED cinematics feel like more proper endings, especially Protoss. They've even got a really big bang in theirs ...

Still, you can't complain about the final battle, that one really felt right. Proper epic (took me 4:43:27, wonder how long it took Edgar?) fight to the death with everything you can hurt someone with. It's just that it ended up with the wrong side on top ... Was that why they threw in that bonus mission, so that no-one would feel let down by a final Zerg victory?

Yeah, I know this all sounds like one long complaint. It's not really meant to be like that, but I've gone through all the good stuff already. If you're in doubt: yes, I still think Starcraft's a great game, and that Broodwar is a wonderful expansion. Starcraft is the best RTS around. Perhaps that's why I go on about these little things, the game can take it because it's so good.

And, I like writing this too ...
Well, that's it! Now I'm back to Winmine until Tiberian Sun becomes available ...

Broodwar start page.

Download Retaking Tarsonis, a ten mission campaign for Starcraft (585 kb, zipped).

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