
Late yesterday, 22/1, I visited Doom Legacy. In short, it's a site/project to improve Doom and bring it a bit more up to date. Among the features I distinctly don't remember from the old days are mouselook and 3d-card support. "Hey, that sounds cool!" I thought. So, I downloaded the OpenGL Doom Legacy, fed it the shareware .wad and started it.

Now, it's early today, I've plowed straight through the first episode and realized the true gory glory of Doom. Doom rocks, it's as simple as that. It's so simple, especially by today's standards, and yet so damn playable. Unreal, Half-Life and all the other so called first person shooters can just go away and hide somewhere, when it comes to sheer mindless action Doom beats them all. Perhaps it's the intelligence/number quota of the opponents that's so good, no modern FPS can lower a wall, revealing a dozen of enemies, and expect you to survive. In Doom you can, and even on the first attempt. And the pace is great too, no endless distances to travel, not much of getting lost in the same area, and tons and tons of walking targets. Oh, the fact that enemies fly backwards spurting blood when shot (and that bodies remain where they fell instead of disappearing suddenly) probably helps too ...

The first person shooter in its purest form, it's no wonder Doom defined a new genre. The coolest thing with all this is that you can't blame all this raving on me being nostalgic, because I played it just fifteen minutes ago ... Some things are like fine wines, they age with grace ...

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