
Would this site benefit from more graphics? Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a small picture here and there, yet it would be a bit of a breach of my original intentions to do so, and I wouldn't like that ... If anyone out there has an opinion on the subject, you're very welcome to make it heard!

Plans for today include a game of Junta, but only if my dear brother wakes up soon ... Don't really feel for Junta today, but I didn't initially last time either, and then I won anyway. From that game we learned that five, in a way, is a pretty bad number of players. That means the president gives two supporters two positions each and may completely ignore the other two players in his budgets as they pose no threat whatsoever to his power. Then again, that's a junta for you ...

Negotiations with TV4 about talk during movie credits goes on. They answered nice enough and has even admitted that there is no proven positive effect in doing what they do, and that's how far we've come by now. I'm still waiting for a reply on my question why the talk isn't replaced by subtitles, but I can feel a negative response coming ... Well, at least they answer pretty fast, not every support system does that ...

Nearly deviated from my fifty-pages-of-C++-a-day-policy yesterday, but came to my senses somewhere around 21:00 or something at got the reading done. only one chapter left now, then I'll be done. Only with the first read though, I don't think I've got even half of it by now, this was mostly to get the overall picture (just like the first listening I do with new music). Still, I seem to have picked up bits here and there, java and old C code (which I saw in an old magazine) doesn't look as much as wizardry as it used to. I even recognized some statements which you don't normally use in C++ in the C code, so I seem to be heading in the right direction ...

It's 11:03. Perhaps it's time to try and kick the brother out of bed ...

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