The Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy

I read (and re-read ...) the Swedish version, so things may not be correctly re-translated. Correct me!

The longest (?) trilogy in the universe and the best too. The Guide itself is quite an interesting publication too ... This wierd and wonderful set of creations have had a lot of influence on my own writing-style. I really like the way Adams writes (or at least the way it's translated, but that should be as close as possible to the original), with sentences sometimes getting really complex and confusing, and with funny references and side explanations. Describing something as hanging in the air in about the same way bricks don't, or talking about building a spaceship powered by bad news, or ..., is a winner with me ...

When I first read the trilogy, it was just very funny and very confusing a lot of the time. I didn't get what happened when and how it connected to the rest of the story. Then, I started re-reading, and the connections started falling into place. Somewhere along the way, you get the feeling that there is a lot to figure out among these pages, between the lines. Is Slartibartfast some form of god? Is 42 a good answer? When I got and read Mostly Harmless, I was disappointed at first. But now I've realized it's at least as good as the other ones, the problem was probably I had decided the series should have ended before it.

The Five Funniest Things, in no Particular Order And With a Lot of Hesitation

  1. The section on the worst poetry in the Universe.
  2. Marvin's conversation with the matress, and anything else with Marvin.
  3. The Impropability drive, and its consequences.
  4. The Panzerdevils of Striterax ...
  5. Never throw the letter Q in a privetbush ...

Important Safety Instructions

For improved safety, enjoyment and satisfaction, the items on the following list should be taken into consideration:

  1. Don't Panic!
    Unless you have a photographic memory or take extensive notes you probably won't get more than half of it the first time you read it, tops. You'll get a lot of the jokes and stuff like that, but a lot of the connections and the story will remain hidden in confusion. That's why you should read it again, several times. Remember, don't panic!
  2. Think Again
    Do. Things and events aren't scattered about at random and just thrown in for a laugh (all right, some are probably ... :-). Read point one again, just to refresh your mind, and think a bit more. Things are cleverly connected, as you'll start to notice on your second or third time through. Also, there are meanings with it all, it's not just all for fun (Or it is, but with serious intentions and meanings. Or, well, you get it ...).
  3. 42?
    Like it said someplace, these books have the questions for all the answers. Think for yourself. What is it Adams wants to say? Go through the above points again, and get your own opinion. Then tell me about it!
  4. Laugh
    It's damn funny, after all. If you're not entertained by this, go get your head checked (or whatever part of your body your brain, or brain stand-in, is located in). For best effect, try reciting select pieces. I can't make it through the poetry section without laughing so hard I have to pause ...
  5. Don't Drink Milk
    It might come out through your nose ;-) ... If not, see above.

IMHO, 42 is quite a good answer (it also seems to be agent Mulder's apartment number. The mystery thickens ...), knowing the question would probably ruin it all though. Still, it's annoying not to know for sure ...

Addtion on May 17, 2001.
Adams is dead (and in the spirit of him, I'm about a week late updating with this information :-) ... Now, that sure was uncalled for, he wasn't even close to being old enough for something like that ... Now, there's no chance in the world that I'll ever see him in person or have any sort of contact with him ... It may not have been a large chance in the first place, but knowing it's now officially zero still doesn't feel too good ... Oh well, I suppose it's kind of a good thing that there's no risk a sixth hitch-hiker's book will change things in any way. Appearantly he was working seriously on a film script recently. Question is; if it wasn't completed (and I don't suppose there's much of a chance for that) do we want other people to finish it and make the film, or do we want them to leave it alone? A bad hitch-hiker-film would be a damn bad thing indeed, but none at all wouldn't be too much fun either ...

Anyway, so long, and thanks for all the fish!

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