
HTML is the closest thing, except perhaps mathematics, to a programming language I have ever learnt to any length. Not sure it can be called a programming language, but the L does mean language ... Martin tells me it isn't, it is a formating language, because you can't tell a computer what to do with HTML. Makes sense when you think about it ...

HTML should be written by hand, that way you know exactly what is in there, and why it's there. By writing by hand, you will never stare at the screen, confused and scratching your head, wondering what the heck Naturalsizeflag="3" means. Also, the code is as optimized and organized as you make it, I've heard some terrible exemples of un-optimized code produced by some basic WYSIWYG-editors ...

I have a bit of a split relation to frames. After all, they are a mess when you try to save pages for offline reading. On the other hand, managing a table-based version of this site's menuing-system would soon kill me ... I guess it's right to say that frames are good when used right, but they definitely aren't the solution for every site.

Recently, I have come to enjoy trying to make pages as cross-browser compatible as possible. That currently means recent versions of Explorer, Netscape and Opera. It always feels good when you solve that problem which causes a really strange appearance in Netscape, but nowhere else. Adds a bit to the challange of creating pages, and ensures you don't do any extremely Explorer-only pages.

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