My Life Story

Joined Up Talking

This record appears courtesy of Bonnie Chan. She informs me Joined Up Talking is a big disappointment compared to MLS's earlier records. This means those earlier records really must be something, considering how much I like this one. Appearantly what's lacking here is more extensive use of the orchestral properties of the band, but since I haven't heard the earlier discs (yet) I can't compare and am unable to be disappointed.

Anyway, the twelve tracks of JUT make up one of the records I've found it easiest to get into, this one stuck fast! It had a good start position too of course, MLS coming with such authoritive recommendations, I was set on liking this record from the start. Be it as it will with the less orchestral sound or whatever, I really like the sound the record has the way it is now. It's massive, deep, meaning there's a lot to listen to and you get that "widescreen" (I may be the only one to understand that definition, but at least I find it quite fitting :-) feeling when you hear it. Think the sound is uplifting too, string sections often are when used right. It's sunlight and green grass mixed with a hint of autumn leaves and cold starry nights, all in a slightly blue kind of way. Flowery talk, eh? Just look the other way then ...

Would like to comment on the lyrics too, but I haven't got hold of them yet so I won't. Too much I haven't heard or thought of yet ...

As a bonus, my version of JUT came with the Sparkle CD 1 and Duchess singles included on the same disc (thanks to the wonders of technology ;-), bringing the total number of tracks up to a whopping 20. With no songs being thirty second chat tracks or anything you might imagine the whole thing would be a bit massive to take in at once. I can happily assure you that is not the case, I do it all the time ... This is another record in the quality group lacking tracks you skip every time you listen.

Huge thanks Bonnie!

On to The Golden Mile!

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