Hong Kong

HK Section
Flight Notes
Wow, where do I start? From the beginning I guess ...

On June 13 2001 I went on my first flight ever, to travel outside of Europe for the first time ever (and also be the first person in the family to travel to Asia). The whole purpose of the trip was of course to meet Bonnie in real life.

First sight of Hong Kong was great, right from my window seat as the plane circled the entire city coming in to land. Wow! The airport seemed quite damp and grey, and when we left the plane the corridor smelled like a greenhouse, moist and earthy, for some reason. I understand the moisture, but not the earthy smell.

Anyway, heat and moisture was around as soon as you even looked outside. Back home after the trip we actually had the same temperatures, but the heat was all different thanks to the moisture levels. Hong Kong always felt like it only does right before a thunderstorm around here, a much thicker heat that makes you feel sticky in no time at all. Luckily just about everything with a roof on it is heavily airconditioned. That's something I missed when I came home, luckily the heat isn't nearly as persistent here ...

Hong Kong was a really nice place to be in as far as cities go, I liked the way the city looked. It felt a lot more tight and build in levels than other cities I've been in. Bridges, stairs, escalators, walkways, more bridges. And everything crammed together so tight the roads had to move out over the water to find enough room. Of course, Kowloon looked a bit less tight, but I didn't spend nearly as much time there as on HK island.

Hong Kongers seem to be quite bad at graffitti and damaging public property, and quite good at actually using trash cans. Either that, or the city cleaning is really effective ...

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