
Pretty cool movie this. But wasn't it supposed to be at least a bit scary? It didn't bite ... Promising start in that aspect, but even that wasn't what I'd thought/feared (we're talking scary movies after all ...). Maybe I've seen too many X-files or something ... Think one reason was that you got to see the killer far too much and too often, and he didn't seem unstoppable enough. You don't get as much respect for a psychotic killer when he gets knocked by doors and falls over too often. Should have worked more like in the first scenes. If you don't know what's coming it's as bad as you can possibly imagine (and that's pretty bad). Also the whole thing had that kind of unserious air over it, intentional and entertaining but spoiling any real fright possibilities. Not that I really mind, I rather see a movie like this one, with glimpse in the eye, than a full-blown horror movie (at least I think so, I'm not really into horror movies, so I haven't seen many (or even any, almost) of them).

Alien works so much better when it comes to nailbiting, but Scream isn't meant to be a serious scary movie, and it sure works when taken for what it is. Entertaining, in short. And I like that "no thanks whatsoever to"-part of the end credits too ...

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