About me

I was born on a dark and stormy night ...Old picture of me
Well, not really. It was the 6 of July 1980, and I can't remember anything about the weather at all. My name is Carl Fredrik Björeman, and if you want my current age you'll have to do some quick mental arithmetic (that saved one update per year ... :-). I live in this country very far away from everything called Sweden, in a city named Örebro. By the way, we do not have polar bears roaming the streets. They left the country with the last ice age ...

I live in a house just north of the city with a family (mine, as it happens to be) consisting of one mother, one father, one younger brother and (well, what is left ...) one even younger sister.
Another, newer, picture of me

I am in possesion of a quite disorganized brain (see writing), very good at thinking up things I could/should have said on occasions long ago. I also have a probably misconnected, but in my opinion very good, sense of humour, sometimes being able to make me laugh at funny things said two days ago. Or things which can possibly be said in the future ... Hey! Don't look at me like that!

Short facts (are you noting this?)

Added August 2001
Browser: Opera.Nice city: Hong Kong.
Good OS: Linux.Installed OS:s: 3.
Drink: tea.Taste: mint.

Added February 2001
GSAT 2001 score: 1055.Weight: around 67 kg.
LiteStep user number: 3661.Hand: left.

Added spring - summer 2000
Shoe size: around 43.Weight: around 70 kg.
Average distance to work: 9,4 km.Average breakfast: One cup of tea, two sandwiches.
Number: 42?Toy: PalmIIIe.
Mobile: nope.

About 1998-99
Height: 180 cm.Weight: around 72 kg.
Eye colour: brown.Hair colour: brown.
Subject of most dislike: German.ICQ-UIN: 12597862.
Subject much more in favour of: English.Subject also much in favour of: Swedish.
Average distance to school: 5,5 km.Average breakfast: One cup of tea, two sandwiches.
Motto: Carpe diem.Very good book indeed: The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

What I currently do

Brief descriptions of the current overall situation. See the diary for the bigger, longer and uncut story. Anyway, here we go:

Summer 2001
Having pulled through a term of economy with moderate interest (at best) the long-awaited summer was free to begin. The major attraction, three weeks in Hong Kong was followed by three slightly less exciting weeks at Parken (Parkhallen renamed), the fun of which decreased by a long-winded cold. Have started working in the checkouts, and will continue to do so during weekends for the forseeable future.

Winter 2000/Spring 2001
2000 ends happily but with some stress as I finish my first university term in good shape. Now I'm heading into a term business economy instead, time will tell if it works as well ... Summer already feels like it should be just around the corner, and the spring term feels like it should be over in no time at all ...

Summer/Autumn 2000
Summer was all work, no play ... Autumn is more play, less work ... Start studying at the university, computer and information science. Things are relaxed so far, having about one fifth or so of the lesson time of earlier school levels makes the timetables wonderfully airy ... Still work a few hours a week at Parkhallen, don't feel like it when I'm not, but like it when I do.

May 2000
Got a job! Working full time at Parkhallen, a store on the other side of town, taking care of orders for online customers. Much to do all the time, nice people and certainly no risk of getting bored.

Spring 2000
Still not doing anything useful, i.e. working or studying. Days pass by studying C++, creating websites, looking for a job and finally starting to practise for a driver's license.

Summer/Autumn 1999
I currently don't study or work or do anything very useful at all, but this autumn I'll go through the civil service. As for schools and things like that, read on here. After the civil service, nothing is certain ...

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